Aquaventure at the Atlantis was seeing a slump in footfall during Fridays and wanted to attract previous and fresh customers back to the venue – making it seem like the most fun way to spend your weekend. The 5-star beach destination tied up with Coca-Cola to create an interesting activation during Fridays that would drive traffic. Noisy Carrot was handed this project to be seen through right from ideation through to execution.
We arrived at a single proposition that would appeal to both, youngsters and families and plugged ‘Fun’ and ‘Aquaventure’ with ‘Funventure Fridays’. While the main communication drove home Coca-Cola, Aquaventure , the beach and the immense possibilities of fun – we planned a series of exciting activities that ensured a different way to enjoy the weekend. A karaoke DJ stand allowed beach goers to sing along in the sun, limbo got people stretching their limits, while a sharing box let them snap up their Funventure moment.
Funventure Fridays was a stupendous success with footfall increasing to 55% during the first two Fridays and steadily growing across the period it was held. Aquaventure saw people of all nationalities and all ages get together to make their Fridays more exciting. The social space was abuzz with shared content that encouraged more people to head to Aquaventure.